Saturday, August 28, 2010

Burning the Midnight Oil

Today I had a guy ask me when we were leaving on our "big trip".  I told him mid-to-end September-ish.  He said with a cautionary nod, "That's coming up quick".  I might have paused just a hair too long before I said "You're telling me".

As if we didn't know that.  Sheesh.  We are on the boat every day at least 8 hours a day and a lot of the time it seems we are taking two steps forward and one step back.  One look at this page, however, and it's all worth it. Dang!  We've done a lot!

We're burning the midnight oil...and the 8am oil, and the noon oil, and the happy hour fact, we are burning all sorts of oil except engine oil - as we have yet to leave our cozy slip more than once since we arrived.  

We're working on that...

Tonight, the name of the game was connecting "shunts" to our batteries.  "Shunt" sounds like a bad word.

Day is done, gone the sun...
No matter how many times I straighten up this table, the mess just comes back bigger and stronger...
Scott and Walt, figuring out where all "shunts"  will go on our batteries.

We'll be back at the boat at 8am.  For now, we're sitting back with some wine and kicking up our (dirty) feet.

Night night,

Brittany & Scott


lennontilly said...

Logo Cravings is a combo logo design agency firm that believes in our clients' success and helps them achieve their goals for their businesses. We offer a broad range of digital services and can provide the essential tools to make your business successful. You can choose from graphic design, logo services SEO, SMM, website design and development, video animation as well as content writing, complete redesigning or that includes logo design services in the USA, we have everything you need. At Logo Cravings, our team guarantees to provide nothing less than the highest quality. As the top logo design firm in the USA, we make sure that we keep our standards high, and , as a result, we've been in the business for many years. To provide the best possible logo design services to our clients we stay in contact with our departments, and update them on the latest trends and innovations. We are determined to exceed the expectations of our clients at each step of the process! Logo Cravings is America's top logo design firm.

Web N Logo Design said...

Since day one, our mission has been to bring exceptional ideas to the table, create inspiring designs, and deliver beyond expectations. Web N Logo Design was established with the aim to help businesses achieve their digital milestones. We believe that a design possesses the power of transforming the buyer’s journey. Therefore, we are always working towards creating something extraordinary that makes the audience stop and exclaim “Wow!”

Chroniclecoffee said...

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Donna said...

Kuchoma mafuta ya usiku wa manane" ni nahau inayoonyesha kazi ngumu na kujitolea, ambayo mara nyingi hutumiwa kufafanua watu wanaofanya kazi hadi usiku sana ili kukamilisha kazi au kutimiza makataa. Iwe ni kusoma kwa ajili ya mitihani, kukamilisha mradi, au kusaga kupitia migawo ya kazi, maneno haya yanajumuisha Kufuatilia malengo bila kuchoka Kwa wale wanaotafuta mapumziko wakati wa vipindi hivi vikali, chaguzi za burudani za mtandaoni kama vile kasino za simu za mkononi zinaweza kutoa muhula mfupi kabla ya kurejea kwenye saga. Gundua chaguo kama hizo kwenye

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