Many people make the analogy that a dinghy is like the family car - and it is. It just can't take you past the shore. From there you walk, you bike, you take busses and taxis - OR - if you are like rent a motorcycle.
The motorcycle is the primary mode of transportation in Luperon; they zip here and there, dodging pot holes and kicking up dust. It is not unusual to see a family of 5 on one bike. Babies in the front, dad in the middle, child and mamma on the back. This is completely normal and accepted. They are everywhere.
Scott (who has his motorcycle endorsement and has been riding since he was 10) has wanted to rent one since we arrived - but the timing just wasn't right. Until this morning, that is, when - out of the blue and unprovoked - a guy approached us and offered us the use of his bike for half the day for 300 pesos. We figured it was a sign. It was definitely not on our "agenda" for the day, we had just come ashore to do a little laundry and pick up some produce, but we looked at each other, shrugged and figured "why not?". We hopped on and away we went. No map. No plan. Just took off.
Che Guevara definitely had the right idea; there is something, someone inside everyone that longs for the open feel the wind in their hair and the sun on their face and to move forward towards a destination unknown. To be completely, and utterly free...
"..we understood that our vocation, our true vocation, was to move for eternity along the roads and seas of the world. Always curious, looking into everything that came before our eyes, sniffing out each corner but only very faintly – not setting down roots in any land or staying long enough to see the substratum of things; the outer limits would suffice."
- Ernesto "Che" Guevara, The Motorcycle Diaries
Brittany & Scott
With my husband and I both riding motorcycles, we know what a great feeling it must have been to be riding on the island! Isn't it great to experience all of the smells along the way that you normally don't notice?! I've never read "The Motorcycle Diaries", but after reading that quote I just may have to now! We've always been into a little bit of everything it seems. I now have the urge to wipe the dust off my bike ... she's been neglected lately and taken a back seat to the sailboat. =)
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