Sunday, September 11, 2011

Second Show Sunday

Because Sunday is the day of rest for so many (and stats are famously low on Sundays) I am going to post some blogs from long ago.  I realize some of you might have already read them - but most of you probably haven't.  So grab a cup of coffee, kick back, and enjoy this blast from the past...because sometimes, things are better the second time around...


On Expectations

I mentioned some time ago in an earlier post that Scott and I have adjusted to the cruising life pretty seamlessly.  I'm not sure if this means we were prepared, highly adaptable or both...but one thing I do know is that expectations can make or break how you feel about something, someone, some place...etc.  I learned this lesson long ago and have found that setting unrealistic expectations is what causes unhappiness in so many people.

My life will be better if I get that next promotion...
I'll feel better about myself if I loose 10lbs...
I'll be happy when I make more money...
He'll "change" once we get married...*
If I move to a new place, I'll be happy...

The truth is, all of those are fallacies and on the other side is much of the same.  What is that whole "curse of the lottery" again?  "If you were miserable before, you'll be miserable after"? Yeah.  My point exactly.

I believe Scott and I set realistic expectations for this trip.  We knew it was going to be fun.  We knew it was going to be hard work.  We knew there would be trade-offs and sacrifices and we knew there would be tremendous gains.  We knew to prepare not only for the best of times, but the worst of times as well.  Knowing all this has really helped us keep smiling and happy through the ups and downs.  We are living in a very extreme world right now (which is perfect for me, as I'm what some might call an "extreme" person) and it would be silly to think of this lifestyle as an "endless vacation" (it is not) or all "tropical slushy rum drinks" in beachy cabanas (I mean, I have only had ONE tiny Painkiller this whole trip!).

We are a couple of the lucky ones, because what this trip is for us is the realization of both of our dreams.  The good, the bad and the ugly.  Our trip doesn't 'begin' in Florida, the Bahamas or the Caribbean - it began over 2 years ago in Chicago!  And we have been loving every. single. minute of it (well, almost every minute).

Brittany & Scott

* Scott proofread this and said "Huh?...people are going to think you are talking about me!" - I am absolutely NOT doing a passive-aggressive cry for help here!  Ha!

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