Thursday, September 01, 2011

Slice of Life in Grenada

When things are slow at the market, what's better than getting your hair done?

I love this picture.  There is so much going on, and it really captures a sense of Caribbean island life; the naturally slower pace of "Island time", the sense of local camaraderie, the simple fact that even though this technique of hair braiding is incredibly laborious and can take hours to complete, that is A-okay.  Patience is a virtue.

When I saw these lovely ladies I just had to freeze this moment, because in my mind's eye, it is quintessential Caribbean and I love it.  I think I am going to go on a little walking photo safari in the next week because everywhere I go there are images like this screaming to get captured.  I'll let you know when I do!

Brittany & Scott

PS.  Can someone please tell me how it is September already?!

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