Thursday, July 04, 2013

Sunrise, Sunset

Sunset in Dominca
Sunrise, Sunset.  No, I am not referring to the glum tune made famous by a certain Fiddler on the Roof (though it is now playing on repeat in my head), but simply stating our reality the next few days.  Sunrise - anchor up.  Sunset - anchor down.  I know people think that cruising is (and should be) all about slowed paces and stopping to smell the roses, but sometimes that's just not the truth.  Regardless, it is what it is and there's something about moving every day and making big tracks in the water that excites me.  We're in "travel mode", and while we might not set foot on terra firma for a few days - we get to be on the water all day and that's a whole different kind of cool.  Today Dominica, tonight Martinique.

Oh yeah - I almost forgot!  Happy 4th of July fellow Americanos!

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