Our trip from tropics to tundra was uneventful, Isla is a now a bonafide pro at air travel and as long as I have some good snacks, a couple engaging toys (this particular happy in-flight baby was brought to you by Play-Doh, thank you Darcy!) and a book or two - she is a happy camper. I reveled in the delights of traveling with only one as the next time we fly we will most likely have three in tow, which seems like utter madness to me. But I digress...
The cold was obviously a shock to the system, for both of us. When we emerged from the vestibule doors of the O'Hare Airport baggage terminal, we were blasted with a chill so biting it took our breath away. "Cooold!" exclaimed Isla as she stopped in her tracks with wide-eyed wonder and pointed outside. Yes, baby. Yes it is. But the nice thing about the cold is that there are plenty of ways to escape it and we had with us a hefty arsenal of layers with which to fend it off. One thing, however, that I cannot seem to combat is the shock to my skin...
We island dwellers sure take humidity and the wonderful effects it has on the epidermis for granted! Almost instantly my lips began to chap and my skin went ashy and itchy so since we have arrived I have been slathering myself in scented massage oil
after each (warm, luxurious!) shower and drinking coconut water like it's going out of style. Isla is the same, exclaiming "itchy!" randomly throughout the day. I am sure the fact that her limbs are not used to being clothed is a part of this as well. I keep reapplying baby lotion to her as well but even her skin seems to be drying out. I think our bodies simply need to re-calibrate to a drier, cooler climate, but hydration and keeping well-oiled seem to be helping a little.
We've been adjusting pretty well, to be honest. I am happy to be home. Isla is totally unfazed (though she has asked to go to the beach several times!) and now that grandma is around all the time, I'm old news. It feels really great to be around family and friends and I am definitely reveling in the holiday spirit. It's nice to wake up and not be sweaty. To have my best friends (and their kiddos) just a phone call and a short drive away, to watch my parents and Isla bring each other so much joy. To kick up my feet in front of a crackling fire and sip a cup of cider while chatting to my best friend on the phone. To have access to all the benefits that a life ashore presents (and there are many). And I feel really, really good to know I am now near proper medical care now that I am in my third trimester which is typically when things can get funky with a twin pregnancy. (I got another glimpse of our baby girls the other day and all three of us are doing great).
An old time holiday celebration...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHDgzQ6eQw4
Enjoy yourselves!
It's nice that you are so happy. I was worried that you would be miserable away from the tropical weather but it sounds like you are both doing just fine. Right on!
So glad you are with your family and around better medical care. Wishing all of you a bright a wonderful holiday season.
Love and Light,
oh my goodness what a beautiful post! You have such a way with words and this post almost brought tears to my eyes. You have such a beautiful family and life.
xoxo- HayUp
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