He was in the British Royal Navy and travelled the world on his ship. He loved to arrive in a new port and he vividly remembers going ashore in places like Bombay and Siam and all the stimuli those exotic ports offered up. After the war, he continued to work on ships - ultimately landing on a luxury ocean liner where he was a bell hop. Years later, my mom would take him and my Grandma aboard the QE II to turn the tables for him.
He worked hard his whole life - eventually settling for life on land - but never lost his love of far off places, something I suppose he passed on to my mother, and then on to me. Pretty neat.
Anyway, I am leaving today. Our apartment - though pretty packed up - is full of our loved and lived in furniture...for now. Our friends and family who have staked claims on our belongings are picking up their loot on Saturday.
Which means when I come home on Sunday our apartment will be more or less... empty.
The fact that last night was the last night I'll sleep in my bed and this is the last post I'll type from my couch is pretty weird. But as Scott says, it's all part of starting a new adventure...
Peace out!
Brittany & Scott
Post Script: My lovely grandfather passed away not 3 months later. This last visit was such a gift and I now have the BEST memories of him. RIP Grandpa, I love you.
Aww, granddad!
Give him a big hug for me will ya? Make sure he has his weekly TV guide....and he likes his tea with a spot of milk and 2 sugars (but i always err on the side of sweeter). You might think to bring a box of lucky charms for Sammy too.
What a great transition to come home to when you return! I'm so excited for you two and talk about your upcoming adventure with everyone i meet here. I'm excited to read your posts from wherever your tush rests next :).
Have so much fun! love you Britto!
Awww, give your granddad a hug for me. Such a kind man.
Your granddad sounds awesome! Enjoy your visit with him. Funny you said "Peace Out" ... we started using that expression with our friends just two weeks ago after not hearing it used for years. So... peace out!
The transition is weird, but you'll adapt very quickly.
I thought I'd feel weird moving out of our house that we had lived in for four years, but the sheer happiness of being out from under the burden of being tied to a place is overwhelming!
Last year at this time we went to Germany and spent time with Hans' dad's first cousin(?!). Anyway, she is also in her 80's and during WWII was a secretary for the German Secret Police (she didn't have a choice; at 18 she was an excellent typist). Wow, the stories were unbelievable. When the allies arrived, her superiors were lined up against a wall and shot. Then she and all the other women were kept in an open field until it was determined that she and several other of the girls were pregnant and they were then moved to a cellar. I nearly died when Hans asked her about the father of the baby (now in her 60's!), and Cousin just shrugged her shoulders and said she didn't know who it was. "You'll cling to anyone when you don't know if you're going to live or die." was her answer. I'm sure your grandfather and his comrades have tons of stories, and I hate to think of how many we'll never hear.
Tell him hi from Orlando from the 'Rilla!
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