We did a LOT of work on our first boat before we shoved off in September 2010, and we continued to do a LOT of work to keep her up and running. Below is what we accomplished. So many people contributed for us to be able to tick all these items off and I cannot in words describe our gratitude to them all. With no further ado - go ahead and check it out. It's mind blowing, even if I do say so myself. All of these refits were made between January and September of 2010. We
learned a TREMENDOUS amount refitting our boat and, while we
won't do it again any time soon, we wouldn't trade that time we spent
with our Rasmus for the world!
1. Replace engine - Complete! Rentner Marine - replaced Volvo Penta with Yanmar 50HP 4JH5E
2. Re-paint engine room - Complete!
3. Siphon out diesel, clean fuel tank thouroughly- Complete!
4. Machine and re-bedd new fuel tank cover (stainless steel instead of fiberglass) - Complete!
5. Re-insulate engine room Complete! New shiny insullation installed - we used Sound Down and have gotten a lot of compliments on it!
6. Replace Gatevalves - Complete! All gatevalves replaced with bronze seacocks
7. Replace ALL hoses - Complete!
8. Replace Steering system - Complete! Rentner Marine - Edson chain and cable (and conduit) steering.
9. Update/fix standing rigging - Complete! Our friend, Don Massey ofChicago Marine Rigging.
10. Replace mast winches with Harken Self-Tailing - Complete!
11. Build/Install Arch for Aft deck (to house radar, antennas, solar panel) -Complete! sourced by C&;E Marine. Built by Uncle Bob and Karol Polaczek!
12. Rewire all electric to single panel at nav station - Complete!, C&E Marine.
13. Install outlet system according to ABYC E-11 standards -Complete! C&E Marine. Added Victron inverter/transformer, re-wired every AC outlet with marine wire and added a DC breaker panel
14. Replace GPS/Chart-plotter/Radar - Complete! Simrad chartplotter, NSE-8, 24" 4 KW radome, and AIS for the navigation center.
15. Replace instruments (wind speed, boat speed...etc) - Complete! Ordered and installed either B&G H3000
16. Install SSB radio and grounding plate - Complete!
17. Re-configure battery bank and install transformer -Complete! 2 AGM batteries 6 Volt 9.7"H x 18.6"L x 6.9"W at 225 A-H each AGM; and a smaller 12 volt (80 A-H) is 9.2"H x 10.2"L x 6.6" W.
19. Water-proof the engine hatch - Complete!
20. Fix boom vang - Complete! New rigid Garhauer boom vang.
21. Strip and re-paint the bottom (anti-fouling) - Complete!
22. Zincs- Complete!
23. New sails - Complete! Replaced entire sail inventory with Doyle Sails
24. Purchase Satellite Phone for Internet/weather - Complete! Inmarsat
25. Fix hand rails so that lines won't snag - Complete!
26. Replace Dorade Vents with solar ones - Complete!! 4" Nicro Day/Night Plus Solar vents
27. Buy/Reinstall new propeller - Complete!
28. Install new transducers for instruments - Complete!
29. Install new engine panel at cockpit - Comlete!
30. Install new instrument panel at nav station - Complete!
31. Install new grab rails for next to the dodger - Complete!
32. Decide on anchor chain anchors (2) - Complete! 5/16ths BBB chain, 270 ft., 55 lb Delta Anchor
33. Reconfigure propane tank from forward locker to elsewhere- Complete! On aft arch/pushpit
34. Reinforce Bimini top with leather, go over stitching - Complete!
35. New Boom with internal reef lines - Complete! Sparcraft
36. Build medical kit - Complete! (we bought one - Marine 3000, time is money people)
37. Spare rigging/sail repair kit
Spare engine part kit - Complete!
39. New PC - getting Panasonic Toughbook equivelent - Complete!
40. Install cockpit table - Complete! Edson table with folding leafs
Get rid of all furniture - Complete! Thank you, Craigslist
. Get life raft/Epirb - Complete! Winslow Offshore Light (6 person) and ACR Globalfix Cat 1
43. Sell all clothes/shoes that will not be needed - Complete!
44. Install new water heater - Complete!
45 Install new holding tank - configure a way to pump overboard -Complete!
46. Build fender boards for traversing through the locks - Complete!
47. Run Jack Lines/purchase safety harnesses and tethers - Complete!
48. Purchase manual navigation tools Complete!
49. Install solar panel on arch - Complete!
50. Purchase & Install Sea Rail Kit for stove - Complete!
Move out of apartment and onto BOAT! - COMPLETE!
Non-Essential - but would be nice to do:
1. Install 2 self tailing winches in cockpit - currently standard, non-tailing winches. Self tailing would be nice, but not a "must".
2. Buy/Install windlass - Complete! Lofrans Tigres
3. Fix FM radio - Complete! Brand new Fusion Marine Stereo for Ipod
4. Make sure we can shower in head - Not gonna happen. We have a sun shower!
5. Fix leaky faucet in galley - Complete!
6. Replace forward hatch - or at least replace the rubber gasket and sand it clean
7. Install more DC outlets - Complete!
8. Watermaker - Complete! We installed a
Village Tec "Little Wonder" in January '11 in Ft. Lauderdale.
9. Fix windshield wiper - yes, we have a windshield wiper - Complete!
10. Install at least three fans - aft cabin, main cabin, v-berth - Complete! 6 Fans mounted!
Set up wifi on the boat - Complete! Have an Erikson router with a sim card slot and a cell amplifier plus wifi booster
12. Install lee boards in aft cabin - Complete! Blue Performance lee cloths
Cosmetic (lets face it, this stuff probably won't get done before we leave):
1. Replace curtains - Complete! Wedding gift from my friend Cecelia!!
2. Sand/Varnish – Bright work -Complete! Yes, we are nuts. Did all brightwork with HONEY TEAK
3. Carpeting cleaned - Complete! Thanks momma!
4. Build additional teak shelving for galley/v-berth/saloon
5. Add "pieces of flair" throughout the boat. Just kidding. Okay, not really.
1. Win lottery or actually run into a legit Nigerian banker scam thing
1. Remain sane
Wow. Humbled. Feeling very, um, inadequate, anxious, broke just reading this!
hi, I think if there are repairs should also get acquainted and have with 6 types of tools-power-tools and their use such as Saws, Drills, Nail guns, Rotary Tools Get used to these and how to use tools - power them, going to your next DIY project will definitely save time and reduce costs compared to the rest.
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