Thursday, October 27, 2011

Dreaming and Scheming...

I love how Scott and I can just scheme and dream about our life, our future and what's next for us...   It seems the possibilities are endless; where to cruise, where we'll end up, businesses we'll start, places we'll see, how we'll show our children the world, the life we will give's incredible really, and the unpredictability of it all fills me with giddy excitement.  We literally have no idea what the future holds for us and that is so totally invigorating.

Brittany & Scott


Tammy said...


Tammy said...

YES, just YES!!!

Mid-Life Cruising! said...

With so many things holding us back from an unlimited future ... we can imagine how invigorating it must be to have so many options. We can't wait to git rid of all the things so we can know the feeling! Your child is lucky indeed to have such an exciting future!

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