Thursday, September 12, 2013

Giving up on the Dream? Hardly.

Apparently some of you are utterly devastated that we will be taking a pause from cruising.  A couple of you have even sent emails with calculated pleas aimed at changing our minds, complete with scenarios and action plans.  "Please don't give up on the dream!" you say... "Do you really want to be frustrated landlubbers?" you ask.  While your devotion to our blog, lifestyle and dream is completely heartwarming and flattering, I want to reassure you all:  we will be cruising again!  Please, do not despair, we are absolutely not "giving up on our dream" - we're simply putting it on hold for what will ultimately be a small wrinkle of time in the grand scheme of life.

Here's the thing:  sometimes we have to make decisions that we never expected we'd have to make.  Sometimes, life hands us something we never saw coming and we have to change tacks.  We are forced to "sail the wind we're in" and head into waters we weren't planning on in order to best accommodate.  You've all been here; college rejection letters, breakups, illness, layoffs, job offers, family obligations, relocations....and yes, babies.  We've all faced forks in the road and had to make a choice - sometimes easy, sometimes not - on which path to take.  Lucky for us, our "something" is a gift, and not a tragedy.  Our "something" is a tremendous blessing that will ultimately enrich our lives more than any cruising stint ever will.  Our "something" is new life that will, one day, make cruising even more fun and fulfilling.

I will be totally honest:  in our experience, cruising with one baby was a piece of cake.  I know that is not the case for many folks cruising with infants - but for us, one infant was easy to manage on a boat.  But now we'll have two infants at once in addition to a very active toddler.  We are not delusional, we are realistic.  Anyone who has twins will tell you that two babies is not twice, but four times the work.  Anyone with twins will tell you that raising two at once is a huge challenge for even the most equipped couples.   Our self-imposed hiatus from cruising is going to allow us the time we need to adjust to this new life, find our groove and enable us to give our babies the best start possible.  It will provide us with the means to refill our cruising kitty and give us time to make plans for phase two (or would it be three?) of cruising.  The fact that we'll be living next door to my semi-retired parents, rent free, will be a huge, huge help.  We are incredibly lucky.

While there is, of course, a large part of us that mourns the fact that we are taking a break from the ocean and lifestyle we love, there is also a large part that is excited for this change.  I've said it before, many times in fact... living on a boat is not without it's challenges and while it might look beautiful, glamorous and ideal from the outside, I assure you, it has it's difficulties.  We are looking forward to being able to revel in the advantages of a semi-stable life on terra firma: enjoying family, friends, and the innumerable conveniences that most of us take for granted every single day.  Because we have been (gratefully) spared the need to buy or rent a house, we will also be saving money - which means we'll be able to get back to cruising faster than most faced with a similar situation.

So please, do not look at this change in plans as an abandonment of our dreams and for the love of all things holy, do not pity us (and, if you could also refrain from sending things about the "horrors" of raising twins, we would appreciate that as well).  We will hardly be "suffering" and we are actually looking forward to this new adventure.  I will still be writing, I will still be me and I can promise you this:  you'll see us sail off again.  I might not be able to give you an exact departure date but one thing I know for sure is that this is not a "death" to be mourned, but a new life - and adventure - to be celebrated.  If you care to join in on the ride, we'd love to have you with us.  If not - that's okay too - maybe we'll catch you when we head out again.


Beverly on s/v Fugue said...

We on Fugue are so happy for you. Best of luck with your pregnancy. You two have always come across as well prepared and safety oriented so it's no surprise you'd be that way with a "high risk" pregnancy. Try to ignore the naysayers since obviously you know what's best for you. Enjoy the new adventure!

JP said...

One of the things about sailing is you learn to adapt to the way the winds blows.

You've been sent twins so you've tacked into a new course and it sounds like the right decision.

Ian Matthews said...

Couldn't agree more with Beverly and JP. Make your choices based on what's best for you and and your family, which you and Scott already seem to do so well.

"Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

Best of Luck with the pregnancy

Amy said...

Congratulations!!!! I hope you will keep blogging though so we can keep up on what's doing. I wish you all the best in this new adventure. You are an inspiration. Because of you we have gone on to get several sailing certs and are working towards hopefully someday living on a boat somewhere. I just have to get over my fear of "rough" seas. : ) All the best to you and your family.

Sheryl and Paul Shard aboard SV Distant Shores II said...

From our experience taking a break from cruising from time to time just increases your enthusiasm to get back on the water. Time at home recharges your batteries and the change of scene and routine is refreshing and nourishing. Not to mention the benefits of reconnecting and bonding with friends and family back home before heading out again. Enjoy your hiatus, guys. We'll see you on the water again in no time.

S/V Gratitude said...

You go girl! Right on, on all fronts -- the blessing, the trials of living aboard (it's not all grapes and fan wafted breezes), the choices we make. Enjoy what life unfolds before you and especially enjoy those little lives -- they will fly by before you know it!

NatGeoWannaBe said...

Pretty happy about this 'pause' means: a) you are more likely to be cruising when we finally get our act together and are able to cast off ourselves (in several years), and b) Aili will have more playmates when we cross paths. What's not to like?

Anonymous said...

The ONLY thing certain in life is change. Learning to properly navigate the waters of constant change will bode well for you in all things as you progress through the journey of life. Blessings upon this change in your lives.
Christina, from the St. Nick

Anonymous said...

As a mother of twins, I can guarantee you you will have a blast! Congrats and enjoy!

Unknown said...

perfectly stated!!!!

Unknown said...

How wonderful for your family!!! And what an adventure this will be!
We will continue to read your blog!
Hugs and best wishes from Janet Lee and Michael

Andi of My Beautiful Adventures said...

Ooooh I had no idea you were pregnant again, congrats!!!!!!

NorthportCottage said...

It's the paths with the most twists, turns, ups and downs that prove most interesting. The straight and narrow is just that: straight and narrow. Cheers to you and your family! The adventure continues!!!

Louise said...

Well said, Brittany. And for every person who is horrified, I can guarantee there are 50 who will be just as happy to read about your land-based adventures over the next few years. Some of us happen to love babies too. :)

Paul said...

Your insight and wisdom is consistently on target. The 2nd paragraph of this post says it all very eloquently.

Pat Sixbey said... guys are full of surprises!! Congratulations!!

JetsettinDaisy said...

Congratulations! You guys are being very smart and practical about an unexpected situation and I really admire how you're taking it in stride! Hope things go smoothly in this next chapter of your lives!!!

Sixbears said...

First of all congratulations!

I just started reading, and enjoying, your blog. Guess it won't be a sailing blog for a while.

My lovely wife and I never had twins, but we did have three daugthers in under four years. You will be busy enough.

Enjoy the next phase of your life.

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the twinnies! I know several sets of twins, and while they are hard to tell apart (haha) it is fun to see their special bond. You have a great blog and I hope to keep up with your posts no matter where they end up... Definitely wouldn't mind a bit if this blog changed focus for a bit. :-) Enjoy your newest adventure!

Julie said...

Aw, I just caught up with the news! Congratulations to you and your family. We have twin daughters (found out there were two in the delivery room) and a third daughter 18 months younger. When I look back, it kind of seems like a blur, but I wouldn't trade the experience for the world. They grow up so quickly! Our twins just turned 30 and one by one, our three daughters moved to the same city, 800 miles away. So now, WE'RE going mobile. Except on a land ship. See how that happens?

emi said...

i think it's so amazing you've cruised as much as you have, and it can be good to have a break to allow you to appreciate it when you get back at it! what a great blog, i cannot wait to follow along! xoxo

the well-traveled wife

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