Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Raising Kids: It Takes a Village. Not a Call to the Police.

"Mommakong" original artwork by Chelsea Stephen Illustration
I suppose that living on a sailboat in the Caribbean with my husband and our three small children indicates I have a slightly different take on "risk" than most. That said, I consider myself a pretty good mom. Like all parents I tend to swing the pendulum... At a baseline my kids are bathed, fed, clothed, hugged, kissed, entertained, and know they are loved tremendously. On my really, really good days, I think I'm above average, maybe even a "super mom." On my really, really bad days, I try to calculate how much therapy will un-do the screwing up I have inevitably done. Most days, I live somewhere in the middle. However, the day the cops were called on me for what another parent viewed as neglect? That day I felt pretty damn crappy.


Let me preface this by saying I am, by my own choice and innate instincts, a pretty "laid back" mom. Some call it 'free range' others call it irresponsible. I call it 'parenting without instilling fear.' I do not operate on the assumption that everything and everyone is out to get my kids. And while I know that the world can be a scary place, I make a very conscious choice not to to put fear in the driver's seat of my life. Turns out, I parent this way as well. I'm the mom at the park sitting contentedly on a bench while my eighteen-month old twins climb an apparatus deemed "above" their age limit. I'm the mom at the library thumbing through books to read later to my girls while the three of them run amok in different play areas. I give them a wide berth to explore this world and intervene when I see something I think is too dangerous.  While I believe this makes me the polar opposite of a "helicopter" parent, I certainly don't think it classifies me as a neglectful one.


I was scheduled to take all three girls to the pediatrician for shots while my husband was out of town and realized we were out of ibuprofen right before leaving. Not good. Any mom of multiples will tell you that staying one step ahead of the game is key to survival: not only would ibuprofen help take the edge off the pain of the shots (each twin was getting three), but we always like to have it on hand in case of a fever spike (not uncommon when you have three kids three and under.) Without this kind of forethought, it's too easy for chaos to reign (and believe me, chaos reigns from time to time.) It was 10:50 am. Our appointment was scheduled for 11:15. We’d finish no sooner than 11:50. Lunch time at 12:00. Nap at 12:30. When - and how - would I be able to stop at a drugstore while alone with three very active toddlers?

I hopped in the car after wrangling all three girls into their seats (not an easy feat) and was on my way. I had 15 minutes to pick up my aunt who kindly offered to help me with the girls during their appointment and get to the doctor. I made the quick decision to stop on the way at my local Walgreens because waiting until after the appointment risked pushing past lunchtime with very cranky, sore and hungry kids. Not the best time for errand-running.

I pulled the car into a parking spot right in front of the pharmacy doors and quickly weighed my options, keeping in mind we had 15 minutes till 'go' time: Option 1: Wrangle all girls into the store, with no stroller or baby carriers, and try to contain them as I shuffled to the medicine aisle. My (easily) 10 minute option. Option 2: Put the car in park, crack the windows, lock the doors and run in to grab the medicine by myself. My (easily) two minute option.

I chose Option 2. THE HORROR!

I gave the girls a big smile, told them I loved them, reminded them to be good and ran into the store. I know the layout well considering our home is mere blocks away. I ran right to the aisle for the meds and grabbed a few cheese sticks from the refrigerator on my way back down (in case our appointment ran late and the girls needed something more substantial than Cheerios.) Just as I turned the corner to check out, the clerk pointed at me with wide eyes and announced, "THERE SHE IS!"

I knew immediately what was coming.

"What's going on?" I asked as I picked up my pace.

"Those are your kids in the car, right?" she questioned. "The police are on their way. That lady out there called the cops. You can't leave your kids in the car" she said, shaking her head in disbelief as I ran past her.

I dropped my basket and ran outside. My heart was racing. I quickly came face to face with a squat middle aged woman who had an attitude to share and a cross to bear.

"Are those your kids? You can't leave your kids in the car!" she said as she lumbered toward me, he husband meekly lurking behind her. "I called the police" she shrugged with a smirk.

"Are you SERIOUS?" I said, struggling for words, trying to assess whether or not she was bluffing while I fumbled for my keys, "I'm alone with three small kids, we have a doctor's appointment in ten minutes...I was getting them MEDICINE. I was in there for less than TWO MINUTES..." I stammered off and hoofed it over to my car.

"Well, I had *four* kids and I *never* left them alone in the car," she yelled after me matter of factly with an air of superiority, really punctuating 'four' and 'never'. I shook my head in disgust and hopped in the driver's seat. I turned around and looked at my three happy girls entertaining themselves - luckily with no idea what was going on.

I started the car. If she truly had called the cops, they were going to have to have to come and find me. I wasn't going to wait around when it would mean missing the coveted (and very difficult to acquire) twin vaccination appointment with our favorite pediatrician. I put the car in gear and drove off with my heart racing.


I know that leaving kids in cars is a big hot topic these days. We’ve all read the worst of the stories whether accidental or due to misguided parenting.

But this was not that scenario. Or maybe I've spent too much time in the Caribbean where parents are more relaxed and where I have carted my kids around in the back of pick-up trucks and other such atrocities.

I had assessed the situation and calculated my risk before I'd made my move: The car was off with no keys. The girls were secure in their car seats. It was a comfortable 70 degrees outside. The windows were cracked. The doors were locked. No small toys or snacks in arm’s reach. Happy attitudes. No tears. What could go wrong?

Sure, an axe wielding madman could bash open a window and maybe wrestle one child out of her seat before I returned. And, yes, I suppose it is possible a meteor could come falling out of the sky and land on our vehicle. I've read of sinkholes before, so there is always a chance that one could swallow our car in the few minutes I'd be gone. And I guess there is the remotest possibility that I could suffer a heart attack or aneurysm while in the store, leaving my children alone in the car until someone noticed. Spontaneous fire? Alien abuduction? Attack by a stowaway squirrel? The list of goes on... I weighed the risk and felt pretty confident none of those things were going to occur in the time I would be in the store. Call me crazy.

What I did not factor in was a busybody looking for her moment to shine at my expense, which is far more insidious - and common - than any of the other scenarios I considered.


To say this experience shook me is like saying I like a glass of wine every now and then… I was rattled and kept playing it over and over in my head. I went through with the appointment, managed to get the girls fed and in bed for their naps, and then, driven by the incredibly unnerving feeling that maybe cops were going to show up at my door, I hit the internet. I wanted to know a) if what I did was, in fact, illegal and b) if I needed to be ready for police and/or the Department of Child and Family Services to show up at my door with a warrants. A quick Google search taught me that laws vary state to state, however here in Illinois, it is perfectly legal to leave a child in a car for less than ten minutes. Phew.

Knowing I hadn't broken the law certainly eased my nerves, but did nothing to quell the terrible feeling of being humiliated and 'mommy shamed' by the clerk and woman outside. I called the store to complain, after which they apologized and told me that the police had not, in fact, shown up. The woman was either lying to me to prove a point or the cops didn't see reason to follow up. Either way, the whole situation made me think.


As a child of the '80's I don't ever remember being in a car seat. My siblings and I spent plenty of time waiting in the car while our mom ran a quick errand. We would regularly walk to the neighborhood park, without an adult, and play for hours. On weekends, we were set loose in the neighborhood in the morning and expected to be home at dinnertime. I was regularly sent door to door to track down my little sister who, at the age of 4 or 5, was prone to wandering off in search of a neighbor to give her a cookie. If we fell off our bike a neighbor or sibling would carry us home. If we ran late our parents would start calling around to track us down. That was parents trusting their children, their own instincts, and each other.

Yes, it takes a village to raise children, however MY village is one where we look out for one another and our children – NOT one where we try to find the best way to point fingers and play sheriff. If what that woman had really cared about was my kids, she could have waited by my car for a minute to give me a chance and then assess the situation. She could have had her husband run into the store and have the clerk call me on the loud speaker. Witnessing my kids in no distress and no immediate danger did not warrant a call to the police. Had she waited that single minute more, she would have found a slightly frazzled, very rushed, and very alone mother of three who left her kids in the car for less than five minutes to grab some medicine.

Don't get me wrong, I believe in safety and being vigilant about what’s happening around us… Car seats, bike helmets, and laws protecting the most vulnerable are all important. But, so is supporting each other. So, instead of pointing fingers, judging and - for heaven's sake - calling the cops... Perhaps we take a moment to offer a hand.

If we do this, the world we be a much less scary place. I promise.


Anonymous said...

Brit, don't worry about it. I too, was a "loosy goosy" mom and gave my kids the space each one was capable of handling. I have had mom's at pot lucks approach me wondering why my 3 year old was up at the top of the basketball hoop while the guys were playing basketball, and I basically told her he likes to see the ball go through the hoop. Hmmmmmffffpppp! She storms off. I have had a neighbor walk my three year old home from a playdate while she's riding her two wheeler and she went smack into the side of a car door. Same woman as before knocks on my door and says she called the ambulance because my daughter was hit by a car. As I walked out there and she is screaming at the top of her lungs, I replied, "She's not hurt....when she's hurt she is completely silent and that rarely happens" Point is, each mother knows the limits of her children and many people enable their children in these times to be dependent, helpless babies. My three kids are now grown and one is a Family Nurse Practitioner, one works as a graphic artist, and the other is just graduating from college. They all turned out just great as independent thinkers and doers. What you are doing is just right for you and your girls will be strong independent women because of it! Rock on, Mama! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

LizIWJ said...

I love other non-helicopter moms! Remind me to tell you the story of a JC Penney employee running to rescue my son from a trapped-shoelace-in-the-escalator while I was scolding him and telling him to hurry up and get up, haha! Or the time I sent one of them camping with a broken ankle, or, or, or--the list goes on and on. I would have done exactly the same thing as you did. Three toddlers in Walgreens for a 1 item grab and go? No way! xo

Unknown said...

Well said. Thank you.

mamapia said...

Absolutely! And the times when strangers were warning me that my children were climbing on the jungle gym....ah yes, they are fine thanks! I let my kids do what they can handle, they will let me know if they need help! This is exactly the kind of "parenting support" that needs to go.

Unknown said...

I have followed you for a long time and have OFTEN referred our younger friends who are new parents to your site. Hold true to who you are! In the spirit of sharing...when my oldest son was three I allowed him to walk alone on our dirt road. One day as he walked back into the yard - in which I was standing- I became very apprehensive as he was being followed closely by a deputy patrol car. The deputies got out of the car giving me the riot act and threatening to call cfs. After they finished I asked why didnt you just pick him up and bring him to me while you called...their response was priceless...He was surrounded by his three large Rottweiler guards and they were afraid of them. They did not call after I made my case of how ridiculous they were being! That child is now 24 and gifting us with our first grandchild...a little girl. He also now has our house and Dads wood shop has become a dirtbike shop. Last time we visited I said son you need to sell some of these motorcycles. His response...yeah may be but I want to keep these 50's for the baby! I was quite proud at that moment because I know my son is going to raise a strong adventurous young woman. You my friend stay true to yourself and you will have many moments of reflection such as this!

Micki said...

I’ve never commented on any internet article but this is outrageous, as a mum who hopes she brings balance, fun and adventure to parenting I would have done exactly the same as you- you made a considered and balanced decision and your kids were safe and happy so you certainly weren’t in the wrong. For anyone to rant at you and threaten the police without a balanced, calm and reasoned conversation demonstrates someone with a problem that bears no relation to you. The world needs more like you and less like her, keep on doing exactly what you’re doing xx

Unknown said...

I have followed you for a long time and have OFTEN referred our younger friends who are new parents to your site. Hold true to who you are! In the spirit of sharing...when my oldest son was three I allowed him to walk alone on our dirt road. One day as he walked back into the yard - in which I was standing- I became very apprehensive as he was being followed closely by a deputy patrol car. The deputies got out of the car giving me the riot act and threatening to call cfs. After they finished I asked why didnt you just pick him up and bring him to me while you called...their response was priceless...He was surrounded by his three large Rottweiler guards and they were afraid of them. They did not call after I made my case of how ridiculous they were being! That child is now 24 and gifting us with our first grandchild...a little girl. He also now has our house and Dads wood shop has become a dirtbike shop. Last time we visited I said son you need to sell some of these motorcycles. His response...yeah may be but I want to keep these 50's for the baby! I was quite proud at that moment because I know my son is going to raise a strong adventurous young woman. You my friend stay true to yourself and you will have many moments of reflection such as this!

Anonymous said...

As a Chicago area suburban mom, I 100% support your decision. You are a great mom!!!

People like that do not deserve a second of your time, so have a glass of wine (or 2, or 3) and keep living a happy life!!!

Anonymous said...

I have two small children and I do this all the time for short trips into get medicine, milk, or (gasp)a bottle of wine! My main consideration is that the car is in the shade and the ambient temperature is around 75 or below with the windows cracked. I too am waiting on the day that nosy Nellie sticks her nose in my business.

I do recommend tinted windows so no one can see your precious cargo even when the windows are partly open. Sorry that you had to experience this.
Frank in Alabama.

Chris said...

Good on you. It's a pity the type of world we live in today where public shaming and grandstanding is prefereable to community responsibility. In Norway it's perfectly normal for parents to leave children in the car. Perfectly normal for parents to leave infants *INFANTS* in their baby carriages *outside* of the restaurant, in the cold while they enjoy socializing and a cup of coffee or sandwich. In every case measures are taken to ensure that the children are safe & warm but the overall feeling of community and trust in others is the key difference between these cultures. One of the big reasons I am in no rush to return to the country of my birth (USA).

Anonymous said...

I love what you have said! "It takes a village is what I have lived by, not by choice but because of need". People in our society are always so quick to judge! I remember one day when my husband was sick with Cancer and I had 3 children under the age of 12, I was not to leave him alone but had to run to the store for medicine. I told the neighbor I was leaving quickly and asked if there was a problem, was it ok to tell my kids they could come to her house of help? Knowing it was a quick trip and trying to hurry, I used our handicap placard to park in the handicap parking spot and run in. I was in the store a manner of minutes but one of the patrons felt the need to come up to me and start scolding me for parking there. I was so shocked that I couldn't think of anything to say so I just said sorry and walked away. Little did I know, someone who knew our family was in the store and overheard; and ran over and starting explaining to this gentleman our family situation. After hearing the story, the man actually came up to me to apologize and ask if there was anyway he could help.

Everyone always has to remember when seeing people doing something wrong, there is always more to a story than meets the eye.

Thanks for the great writing!

TheDiesels said...

When my two were little, I used to time the quick in-and-out errands around nap time - they would sleep blissfully in the car and I would run in the post office, the bank, the dry cleaner, pharmacy, etc. Then there was a news story that changed my life - and it was similar to your story. There was a woman who took all three of her kids to the grocery and with the younger two left safely buckled in the car, she took the older one by the hand to drop coins in the can of the man ringing the Salvation Army bell. When the woman returned to her car (she had not even entered the store) someone had called the police and they arrived and arrested her. Her husband had to come get the kids. Our society does not seem to be focused on good will for the family, but rather this holier-than-thou attitude that you experienced. My kids are now 12 and 10 and it is only this year that I have started to let them stay in the car occasionally alone, not for their good (because I am certain that they are fine together sitting there for a few minutes) but out of fear of being arrested. If this country really is about freedom, we have somehow gotten lost on the way. Know that you are doing your best, and hopefully you won't be punished for it!

Unknown said...

This country has become so obsessed with the children well-being, on the surface. Nobody gets mommy-shamed if her child is obese and she keeps on feeding him/her crap because they want it and refuse to eat anything else. Nobody cares if you put your child in front of the tv or ipad/mobile for hours and hours to a point they need to be put in therapy to be integrated in social skills building. This woman could have stayed by the car to make sure the kids are fine, and if they were crying while you were in the store, to soothe them. But no, she wanted to be called "the hero" of the day. Why so hateful? Why so selfish?
You are doing a great job as a mom, and everyone with a brain admires you for handling the girls the way you do, for giving them the freedom of experience and adventure so early on, for showing them true love and attention. Don't sweat this woman's ill-mannered reaction. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Sorry you had to go through this. I wish I had this to post 30 years ago when a similar woman tried to rip me a new one when I sent my 3 & 4 year old boys in the woman's (gasp) bathroom while I sat with the baby & our luggage in a crowded airport where theft was common. She decided to let me have it about sending "boys" into the woman's bathroom. Young & inexperienced as I was, I was so mad after she kicked my young boys out of the bathroom and said some pretty nasty things to them, I let HER have it & told her the same thing, that instead of yelling at my boys that they weren't allowed in the woman's bathroom, that she could have helped them (& helped me out). I told her she was a hateful old nasty woman. I was shaking from head to toe with anger, but mainly because I could not believe a WOMAN who could have stepped in to help me while I was trying to take care of three young children and a pile of luggage alone in a international airport would choose to berate me and my kids rather than offer to help. And you are right, in most states (if not all) it is not illegal to leave your children unattended in a car for a short time unless it's outside a bar or gambling establishment. People actually called the police here on a mother who stepped out of her car to get her mail from a tower mailbox just 5 feet from her car! These busy-body woman have existed forever and I suppose they always will. We can only hope that people will take a moment to think and choose compassion and caring over self centered haughtiness and nastiness. I'm a grammie now and sometimes I am so ashamed of women my age who seem to get more and more grumpy as the years go by. I wold hope it wold be the opposite and that we could ALL support and embrace each other with love and kindness.

David said...

Wow, what a horrible experience with a nasty woman. Sitting alone in a car for 5-10 minutes is not dangerous for children. As you pointed out, the woman could clearly see that they were all doing fine and she could have even come back into the store to try and find you if she thought there was a problem. Instead, she thought the best solution was to take an action which would ruin your day in a best-case scenario. That's a thoughtless and cruel thing to do. I'm glad that nothing more came of it.

under30undersail said...

Well said, and I am so sorry you had to go through that. I certainly remember being left in the car while one of my parents went grocery shopping...AND, I routinely leave my 2.5 yo in the car when I run my 4.5 yo into school.
Hopefully you don't cross paths with that grumpy woman again.

S/V Gratitude said...

Hey, Brit: we used to STAND UP in the FRONT SEAT of my parents car (this was LOOONG before seatbelts). My father once said I stood up (in the back this time) all the way on a drive to Florida from New York. Cars used to have METAL dashboards and NO airbags. I agree that leaving kids in a car on a hot day with windows closed and in a creepy place is not a good idea, but I also agree that, rather than be judgmental, a bit of friendly observation (perhaps followed by a kindly delivered suggestion not to leave your kids alone in the car) would have been a far kinder and less stress inducing approach. Some people just like to induce stress in others; makes them feel important.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for telling your story. I'm with you.

Unknown said...

Support you 100%!! Haters gonna hate, you can't be the jackass whisperer;)

charli said...

Amazing that kids are considered safe when strapped into a car, moving at 70 miles per hour in a one tonne metal box and surrounded by other large metal objects moving just as fast. Yet not in the same position, when stationary, for 5 minutes, in a car park...

Anonymous said...

I think you n=made the right choice leaving the kids in the car. For future reference, Walgreen;s has common OTC medications for purchase at the drive through window. Just in case you need to do this again and the nosy nellie is around,

Emily said...

I am by nature a rules-follower and one of the many reasons I read your blog as a parent is that you have such a different perspective and I've really learned a lot from your approach. I generally am apprehensive about leaving my child in the car, even for a little bit, and probably moreso for what you experienced than the actual fear of harm. There was recently a casino built in our area, and there have been lots of problems with patrons leaving their kids in the car (so much in fact, that they now have patrols around the parking lot checking for kids in cars). But that's a CASINO, not a drugstore/grocery store! Even still, I gulp when I hear parents leaving kids in the car because we are so programmed by society to fear the outcome. All this rambling aside, I agree with you that we need a lot more common sense and a lot less jumping to conclusions.

Lastly, I just gotta say... I bet those woman's four kids are all in therapy now.

Sarah Frank said...

With my twins and three-year-old, I too do Option Two. Not often, but there are circumstances where it is safe and is the best option. There will be people in this world who would say "never" is it a good option to leave kids in the car. Those people don't live in my town, know it's roads, understand the dynamic or the people that live here, or have my exact family. Therefore, their opinion of what is right or wrong when it comes to my decisions for my family is moot. And I think that people who decide to opinionate their judgment in person or over the internet is moot, too.

I understand that woman was concerned, but like you said, she should have stood guard at your vehicle rather than start casting stones on your parenting style. Then manipulate your emotions by telling you she "called the police." What an ugly person. It makes me even angrier that she pulled out the trump card of "four kids." I bet her four kids weren't four and under.

Growing up, I remember lots of time in the car, in crowded parking lots, waiting on my mom to return from a quick errand. I came out pretty good.

Don't beat yourself up over this, Brittany. Pat yourself on the back instead. You're doing a great job.

byn always said...

I probably fell somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. Having grown up with severe child abuse from extended family, I was always more leery of predators than maybe I needed to be.

HOWEVER, other than that, I was pretty much like you. I have even (the horror) left my kids in the car while I went to pay for gas, in a very similar situation as yours (sleeping toddlers in a car seat).

SO many people feel it is their right to judge you, but its really just a reflection of them.

For what its worth, I raised FIVE kids (thinking of the mom of FOUR :) and they are now 15, 17, 19, 20 & 24 and they're all happy, healthy, adventurous, well adjusted, not-fitting-in-the-box, confident children. You're doing things right. I'm really really sorry you had such a horrible experience. I can imagine it left you feeling shaken.

Unknown said...

I love you Britt. I have been in your situation before and done the same - thank god no one ever called the police. I am that same mom at the library perusing books and relaxed on the bench at the park. We are on the same team . . . and there are more moms like us out there than you think. Everyone needs to take a chill pill and mind their own business! Hear Hear!

Unknown said...


haven't you learned by now that taking conscious risks is politically incorrect and the second highest form of blasphemy, right after using common sense reasoning?

In short, you how do you dare to not live in constant fear of the bogeyman and the apocalyptic threat of the the day propagated by the media. Imagine your car would have been hit by an meteorite or an alien death-ray while your children were inside, perhaps not even properly belted into their maximum-security child-crates! Oh! the horror!

Michael Robertson said...

If I was directing the movie version, I'd have you rush out of the store, thanking the cop-caller profusely while you unbuckled the twins, handing one each to the cop-caller and her husband, kneeling with your oldest to tell her how these nice folks were going to watch the three of you while Momma finishes shopping. Sorry you had to endure the yuck. Michael

Rick said...

Some folks are just out to see you get whacked for what they judge is a high crime. Doesn't sound like her concern was for your kids, or for you. . . she just wanted to see you "get it" for not living up to her standard.

Where she motivate from love and concern, her actions would have been different. Shake it off, and be glad she's not your neighbor.

My daughter's got three under five years old and a husband in the Army who deploys. It's always a tough call how to manage a trip to the store.


Julia Pratt said...

Well I am a mother of FOUR (emphasized!) and I HAVE DONE THE SAME THING! Right there with you.... we mothers are doing the absolute best we can and our children are all JUST FINE, thank you very much. You're a great mama and some people (like you said) have nothing better to do than meddle in others business, rather than think of how they can help or bring joy/comfort/assistance to someone. That being said... I have found over the 10 years of raising triplets and a singleton that there are WAY more women out there like you and I, and less like Mrs. Busybody and her hubby, So we have that going for us! ;)

Anonymous said...

Almost the exact same thing happened to my wife when she left our feverish, sleeping, 7-yr old in the car while she ran into a store to do a quick return. They broadcast an announcement over the store's loudspeaker for the woman who left her child in the car. And I leave various combinations of children in the car multiple times per week during the various drop-off and pick-up routines that we run in the morning and afternoon.

I think your reaction and assessment are spot on. I'd even go so far as to say that Mrs. Cravitz's behavior was counterproductive to being good for the children she claims to be trying to look out for. If the police had come and intervened, how traumatic might that have been for your family and for your children?

Nice piece... keep it up.

Anonymous said...

I had the exact same thing happen to me about 5 years ago. I just about singed the ears off the woman, still standing right by my car, who called the police. Then she even tried to stop me from driving away!! I had to get back out of the car and tell her to move or I would move her. I guess she believed me. Police called me later. They were very apologetic, but said they had to check out each call. Some people just love to be holier than thou.

Anonymous said...

Brittany, so sorry you had to experience that. So many people are tightly wound about leaving children out of line-of-sight for more than 3 seconds. Ugh.

I don't have kids but if I did I'd share your parenting style. Nothing wrong w/ leaving them alone, secure, and happy for a short period, IMO.

Glad to hear you checked out whether it's illegal. If a busybody decides to intervene next time, think of how great it would appear to come out of the store calmly and put them in their place, making them look like an idiot for wasting police resources and creating hysteria for nothing.

Keep up the great parenting and blogging.

Emily Guy Birken said...

This has happened to me twice. It's horrible, even when you know that you did nothing wrong. Keep doing what you're doing, because the world will need more adults who have been raised by parents like you.


Anonymous said...

There are do-gooders at the wrong place at the wrong time. They don't think, or take into account their repercussions.

MB: Beautiful piece of art by your sister.

Best Always,
c.b. of s/v KAIAN

Patrick said...

leaving kids in the car...
putting them on sailboats...
and most of all: enjoying life...UGHH!
what a sinful life style!!!!

ha ha just kidding :-)

If travel taught me one thing it is: 99,9% of the people all over the world are super friendly and helpful.
But occasionally you come across some idiots. And well we need to take them for what they are: idiots :-D


Patrick from SY Falkor with Sherrie and kids
(wait, did I say kids? oh oh, I hope no one is calling the police ;-)

Unknown said...

Oh my god, some people just need to mind their own d*** business! You were at Walgreens, for goodness sake! Most trips into Walgreens are quick in-and-out-in-under-5-minute affairs. It's not like you were at Walmart there to do grocery shopping for the week! Good lord. I would have been so pissed it would have been everything I could do not to smack the lady! So sorry you had to deal with that! Once the temps start to drop below 70 I often take my German Shepherd dog pretty much everywhere with me, and have been known to leave her in the car with the windows cracked. I'm always afraid I'm going to return to my car to my window broken by some nutjob, or to the police showing up. There is a difference between leaving pets/kids in a HOT car while you get your nails done or do your grocery shopping, and leaving them in a car on a temperate to cool day and/or leaving the windows cracked while you run in real quick to grab medicine. My mom left me in the car all the time when I was a kid. I would rather have stayed in the car, entertaining myself and (when I was old enough) read a book than schlep through a store doing boring errands with my mom. It's a different world these days.

Anonymous said...

I would have just gone thru the pharmacy drive thru...there are crazies out there...honestly they have every right to call the police a bystander has no way of knowing your situation...too many kids, dogs die in cars...for all purposes you could have had severe postpartum depression.

Chantal said...

I've left my kids before, when they're napping and I just don't want to take them out, for a quick run into a store or the post office to grab something. I'm more worried about someone calling the police on me than leaving my own children!

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