Spoiler alert: Giveaway at the end of this post!
A long time ago I wrote a post on having guests aboard where I outlined a set of tips on how to be good sailboat crew. One of them was: NO ROLLY BAGS. Bags are one of those things that you just need on a boat, but not all bags are up for the test. The marine environment is rough, storability is key, and function must outweigh form. Long ago, we discovered SailorBags and began what has been an amazing partnership with them. I cannot sing enough praise about their bags and, believe me, we've used a lot of bags on our boat. We've even turned a few of our friends and family onto them as well. So what do we love about them? Well, we have a bunch of favorites and each bag has a special place and purpose on our boat.
Here's a quick run down of what we've got and why we love it:
>>>>> The Back Pack
I could sing this bag praise forever. Anyone who knows us and/or has spent any considerable time with us will attest to the fact that we use this bag every. single. day. It's large enough to pack a bunch of stuff to accommodate a family of five on a shore trip, but small enough that it doesn't feel like a burden. Scott used this pack as his luggage when he went to Florida for a week and there is no way we'd travel by land, sea or air without one. There are three compartments to help organize gear, and a
>>>>> The Stow Bag
While I do most of our laundry by hand (I actually really enjoy it!) there are occasions when I will hit up a laundry mat to clean a bunch of clothes that have piled up and/or bulky blankets (blankets are tricky to clean in a 5 gallon bucket!) Enter: the stow bag. Ours is the extra-large size and you can see it holds a good amount of gear. With a drawstring closure and a shoulder strap, this bag makes trips to the laundromat a breeze. The fact that it's water resistant and made out of tough sailcloth means it's always up for the trip, come hell or high water!
>>>>> The Mini Tote
SailorBags sent this little tote for Isla for her birthday (yep, they are thoughtful as well!) and we love it. To be completely honest, I use this bag more than Isla because it's the perfect size for for a night out (they are rare, but they happen!) When my "everyday" tote (see below) is too big, and bulky to lug around for an adult-only dinner, this little bag is the perfect purse. Easily holds a phone, VHF radio, wallet and small items like that. Durable, mega water-resistant, and stylish.
>>>>> The Drawstring Bag
This bag was a sleeper hit with our crew but when we started using it, we never stopped. The drawstring bag is perfect for those times we do a quick run out and only need to pack few things. It's the perfect bag for a run to customs, it's a great "light" bag to bring along on a hike, and perfect for a short afternoon trip to the beach. It can easily hold a large water bottle, a few granola bars, a VHF radio and a turkish towel
>>>>> The Medium Tote
I'm not sure which bag gets more use, the backpack or this medium tote - but suffice it to say, both are used every day. This tote has been my main "purse" for a few years and I love it. I was something of a pack-rat before I had kids, and motherhood has made me hone this skill even more. I'm always prepared for anything; a hungry kid, a dirty diaper, a second application of sunscreen, the means to disinfect a child who picked up a mystery mushy thing from the road...you name it. Because it's white, the tote does show dirt and will not stay pristine (at least not the way I use it) and no amount of washing it will get it to the former glory, but I think it just adds to the bag's character. It zips shut (essential for me when it comes to a purse that's tossed around a lot!), is big enough to hold a lap top and more, durable to sit on the floor of dinghies and bars, and perfect for every day use. Oh, the stories this bag could tell!
>>>>>>>>> GIVEAWAY TIME! <<<<<<<<<

Now that I've shown you some of our favorite bags and their uses,I want to give one of you a bag to show you that it will quickly become one of your favorites as well!
If you would like a chance to win a back pack from the brand new, super sleek, SILVER SPINNAKER COLLECTION (an $109 value!) simply comment on this post with why you would like this bag, and I will chose a winner at random in the next week!(*conditions apply)
WIN THIS BAG >>>>>>>>>>>>>
And as an EXTRA SPECIAL treat, use the code WINDTRAVEL over at sailorbags.com for 20% off!
(Good thru 11/16)
Thanks for playing!
Bags would help be organize all the stuff I carry around daily for our 15 month old twins!
Would love to try Sailorbags out! We have three little ones and almost out of diapers. This would be a great bag to use instead. We are hoping to start a gap year with possible sailing adventures beyond that and it would be excellent to help us in our travels!
Ooh these look lovely!
My husband and I recently bought our first (but not last) sailboat; a 1977, 32 ft. Endeavour. We have not started outfitting the boat yet, but one of these Sailorbags would be a great start! I have a ton of on-land bags, but we need a water resistant option for going off and on the boat. We hope to be live aboard sailors very soon! Thank you for the opportunity!
This bag would be awesome to have on our boat! With a family of 4 on a 34ft Catalina we have to be organized!
I have been searching for a good boat bag/backpack that can take the harsh environment. I have bought a few other bags that just don't cut it for living aboard. I would love to have one of these backpacks based on all the awesome things you have to say about it! And they are super cute to boot :)
Who doesn't want a bag?! me me please!
My husband and I would love these bags for our travel back and forth to visit family. As an adventurous bunch, rolly-bags just don't work. I've always wanted to try Sailorbags!!!
We have tried many different bags/totes/carry-alls, etc., and have yet to find the perfect one...perhaps this is it? Love the idea of these bags!
Oh wow! I've wanted a sailbag for ages. The backpack in particular would be perfect for toting around gear for our 9 month old twins...who also live on a sailboat! Crossing my fingers!
My mom used to make fun of me for all the bags I used to have..that is until I moved on to my boat full time. When I bought my boat, I downsized and got rid of everything as every landlubber making the change must do I suppose, but I still manage to collect random bags and every year I must do a purge because most bags simply aren't worth keeping and I find myself just carrying my "old faithful". I would love to have a NEW "old faithful". Practical and cute is a hard combo to find.
I have been reading about how great these bags are here lately and I would love to put one to the test!
As a new sailor, I am searching for a nice, all-around boat bag that I can throw my gear in. I would love to make this backpack my daily!
On my Christmas list - but sure would love to get one early! Trying to figure out how to travel to and from the boat with a non-rolly bag. Bo and I are fighting over how many bags I am allowed to have on board :) Want the XL duffel!!
Oooh, so need a Sailorbag. Currently we are hauling around our free Baja Ha Ha backpack all over Mexico which is the perfect size for small shopping but we already had to resew the straps after only three months of use last year. So now I've been eyeing up a new backpack and a couple of hardy grocery totes for provisioning and have been contemplating giving Sailbags a try. (It can be sent via mail to our address in Canada no problems 😉)
Wine Bottle Pockets?!!! We are heading to St. Martin in November for a 10 day sail around the islands. This back pack would come in quite handy for all of our dinghy excursions!
Would love a new bag!
With a baby and a dog, and no side dogs at our Marina passing everything over the bow can be a challenge!
My hubby and I have a 28 foot Cape Dory that we bought pre-kiddies. Our daughter went on her first sail at 3 weeks and hasn't stopped yet. We are now a family of 4 and somehow slinging the diaper bag over when we get to port could be so much more sophisticated in one of these! :)
I'd LOVE a sailorbag! Because...we liveaboard and need something durable that won't mildew. And it'd be perfect for the dinghy rides from our liveaboard powerboat out to our little weekend sailboat that's on a mooring. Fingers crossed!
I've got three little ones, ages 4,3, 11 months. I need this bag.
Would LOVE to have a Sail bag. It sounds like it would be so durable. Great for having on the boat. Love that you are having a giveaway!
Nice product review and write up! Look like great bags!
Having seen you cart this bag around, I am convinced this should be our diaper bag!! Crossing my fingers!!
Currently have a Sailorbag duffel and love it! Can pack a ton of clothes in it, but it folds up small for easy stowing. As we are heading to the Caribbean shortly, need to pick up a second duffel for those upcoming trips back to the states. The backpack would make the perfect complement to the duffel bag, oh yeah!!
During the summers my husband and I host Camp Heslop. This is where the grandchildren hang out with Nana and Papa for three weeks. They get great bonding time with the cousins. We plan all year which adventures to take them on. A Sailorbag would be a huge improvement in the local grocery store reusable bag we use now.
I have seen these bags at the Annapolis Boat Shows several times. I want one!
I am a "bag" person and since buying the boat about a year ago, I haven't found anything that is easy to get on/off the boat with as well as not make me look like a pack rat/ hobo lol. Would love to give Sailorbags a shot.
I have been looking for the perfect "go bag" to always have ready to grab for a weekend sail. Thanks for your awesome reviews and sharing your adventures.
With 4 kids this bag would come in very handy for all our adventures! We don't own a boat but we rent often either out of Oceanside, CA or on the lake in Big Bear, CA. These bags look so well made! I would really like to own one.
Hi Brittany, my wife and I embark on our own cruising adventure in April next year. We have been following your blog now for some time in order to prepare. One of my biggest concerns is down sizing our gear to boat size and indeed getting my wife to pack LITE - would love to give one of these bags to her for a test run, cheers.
Lands End sadly and foolishly stopped making bags years ago along with their true sailing gear. I have been looking for a replacement ever since. Looks like this is it for those of us who look for quality items. Finally a solution for those of us who wish to experience the best of everything.
Lands End sadly and foolishly stopped making bags years ago along with their true sailing gear. I have been looking for a replacement ever since. Looks like this is it for those of us who look for quality items. Finally a solution for those of us who wish to experience the best of everything.
Thanks for having a Give Away! We're in the process of purchasing our first boat, and we're in need of proper boat bags!
Would love to win one of those bags! Seems like the perfect thing to tote emergency chocolate rations in when we're out exploring and adventuring :-)
Bags made out of sail cloth is genius!! Super durable, light weight and water resistant!! Boom!!! If I may quote Napoleon Dynamite "I want that!" :-)
We are getting ready to depart to the Caribbean in the spring from Chicago on our boat. Thus far, I have yet to find a suitable diaper bag/land excursion bag to suit our needs. Sounds like sailor bags might be for us. Also, how awesome that they use sailcloth?!
s new line is exactly what I need to convince my better half that these bags are the bomb! He would carry this every weekend as we go to our boat, it would hold all his clothing and "boat stuff " that accumulates Monday -Thursday preparing for the weekend. Plus, he'd look super cute carrying it! :-)
Love the bags!
I can never have too many boat bags... It's part of my organizational system - a bag for everything and everything in its bag! The sailorbag backpack would be perfect for carrying most anything - boat to dinghy to dock!
My husband and I would love a sailor bag backpack for the days we adventure off the boat to some mystical places to stretch our legs and to enjoy the land of the west coast and for up coming trip to Alaska this summer. This backpack would convince my husband that these are the bags that should be aboard our sailboat and help me start our collection about Latitudes.
Love your blog and all the great ideas you share.
I would love one of these backpacks to pack up my toddler and head out for a day sail or an overnight on the Sacramento River delta. Thanks for the great reviews of all the bags!
I have always sewn all my own sailing bags for my many sailing needs and even made bags for gifts to family and friends. I have admired these wonderful bags for a long time and would love to own an authentic Sailorbag backpack. We recently bought an 1965 35foot sloop and hope to do lots of cruising aboard her in a few years and I also race One-Design sailboats so this bag would be perfect for all my sailing trips. I enjoyed your review of these bags and also your excellent blog. Please keep writing. Thank you!
I want to be cool like you guys. Having my own Sailorbag would be a step in the right direction; especially if I were to win it here.
My family is going to go sail in the BVI for my daughter's high school graduation. One of these bags would be an awesome present for her!
This bag would be helpful when moving out stuff onto our boat next spring when we become liveaboards!
The Mrs. is less than enthusiastic about sailing. The SailorBag looks like it would make an excellent bribe to get her on-board. :)
Hi There. We are new'bey cruisers. 5 months living aboard so far. I'm trying to find just the right 'stuff' to use. Space is limited. Love your stories / blog... Kathy
I would love to use this bag for going to/from the gym. Thank you!
Hi there! I'm an armchair sailing Gramma while the idea of sailing with my toddler grandsons makes me have dizzy spells, I love the idea of sitting with them on a beach and watching them have the time of their lives!
I do a lot of travel with medical teams and I love the idea of a sturdy back pack to use. No rolly bags in the back of a truck!
love your blog, thanks!
One can never have enough bags !!!!
If you are a boater you need (read 'must have') a variety of bags. Sailor bags are the classiest that I have seen and they appear to be more than tough enough to stand up to the use they would get.
I would love love love to have this bag!!! I have two boys ages 1 and 3 and our 3 year old milk (and who knows what else)stained diaper bag is falling apart and a backpack would be PERFECT! The colors are awesome for outings with two boys. We would use it for day/weekend excursions and endless other things. Please Please pick us!!!!!!!!! I will even send you pictures of all the fun adventures of us using it! :) Thank you for the chance. Love your blog!!!
With two little guys always itching to get on the water and working on the water in the Chesapeake these bags would work great for keeping all the gear organized and dry.
Because a sailor needs gear to haul his gear in!
To carry things on and off the boat!!
I need an upgraded diaper bag! We're expecting our second child in January, and our current diaper bag is too small (not to mention old and worn out, it's a hand-me-down). A backpack sounds like a great tool to have with a running toddler and a baby worn in front, and the multiple pockets means I can separate items according to child (and parent!). This sounds like a wonderful idea!
That bag would make me a great "man purse" to carry all my "do me goods" to the boat and back! My "BoatsUS" bag strap broke and I'm looking for a replacement.
I want these bags just because! No really, they look great. It might be putting the horse before the cart, since I don't have a boat yet, but that day is coming soon.
One of these bags would be great for our travels.
When I set sail on the sea, I heard a backpack calling me, like a mermaid it was pretty and like a pirate it was gritty.
We are also on a trek to find the perfect boat bag! Would love to give this brand a try. And that new silver/gray line is pretty darn snazzy. :)
I'm not a mom, but I am constantly on the go - between part-time and freelance work, I usually have something like 6 jobs at one time! I also have chronic wanderlust (Iceland is next in my sights) and one of these bags would be perfect for traveling! After a vacation in The Netherlands and Denmark last summer, the last thing I want to take on my next trip is a rolly bag!
I could use it for no other reason than the universe will allow me to stop carrying the wife provided Vera Bradley very flowered-kid bag…yours would provide a much better man bag for the two kids our boat trips (to the Bahamas next Friday). Love your site and appreciate the work it takes you documenting the adventure and bringing us along.
Ooh la la! One of these would be so nice for a shore tote! Cheers to whomever is selected as the lucky winner!! ~Jessie
I think the backpack will be perfect for weekend trips with my friends/ sleepovers. I could always use a new backpack for all my future adventures that I want to go on!!
S/V Ohana. (Hawaiian for family by blood and otherwise, which truly depicts our multi ethic family!) We just bought our Westsail 32 and are in the planning stages of cruising with our 4 of our 6 children (2 are in college). No its notgoing to be tight, its going to be togetherness (positive mantra). When I started homeschooling I made the comment that if we really want to teach our kids, we need to show them the world! and now we are making this a reality! Following your blog has been a tremendous help and inspiration! and to think now we may even win one of these awesome bags you talk about! Yeah! Now looking into your latest about junior captain - waay cool! Tammy
The sailcloth fabric looks much more resilient than the traditional canvas bag we carry back and forth to svDove in Monroe harbor. Less stain, less chance of mold in the locker etc. we hope you pick us!
First- I love your blog- even though my kids are grown and gone, I can identify quite well having had 4 under 4 with twins in the middle-3 boys and finally my sweet girl!!!! However, we were on land! I think how you're living is fantastic!
Second- Instead of kids, we now travel to our sailboat with a cat carrier, so I would love the backpack to free up another hand!!
very interesting to read. I like your post. Thanks for sharing.
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