Monday, April 01, 2013

A Bahamian Birthday Party

Our sweet Isla turned one year old yesterday.  I know you are all with me when I wonder where the heck this past year went, but here we are: parents of a one year old.  I can say without hesitation that this has been the most fantastic year of my life and each and every day my mind is blown and my world is brightened by this little person we created.

If there is one word I could use to describe little Isla it would be happy.  She's already full of personality; squishing her nose and blowing in and out to make us laugh, gently sharing food with us and friends, giggling with her whole belly when we say "cock-a-doodle-doo" and her love of cuddles continues to melt my heart.  She is crazy active:  walking up a storm, climbing like a monkey, and even attempting to jump from time to time.  Her balance is incredible, which is no surprise considering our home is constantly bobbing around and while we can't be sure, we feel pretty confident that she'll be athletic.  She is full of energy and always moving.  She's talking up a storm of gibberish and while it's not quite intelligible, it's clear she has a lot to say.  Her smile lights up a room and in one short year, she has changed our lives for the better.  She makes being a mama and pappa easy.

Coinciding with Easter, her first birthday was definitely one for the books and turned into quite the party.  She awoke and greeted us with her beaming smile and we brought her back into bed with us to open a few presents that were sent from loved ones with Grandma Sue.  After reading our new books and eating cinnamon rolls, we hit up the beach with our friends where there was an Easter egg hunt, water balloons and treats.  Isla took center stage when we brought out her birthday cupcakes and about twenty-five friends from all over the world sang her happy birthday.  It was a fantastic day, yet another to remind us how incredibly blessed and lucky we are.  Thank you Universe.

Here are some pics of the festivities:
The cupcakes I made.
The birthday girl getting ready to be sung to. 
Isla's pal, adorable Arias.
Even the guys wore party hats! 
While we have a pretty strict no-sugar rule, we made an exception on her birthday.
Our friends even brought hats and horns as party favors, how sweet!
Easter egg hunt

Kiddos enjoying their easter/birthday treats
Family photo
Sweet Zoe getting Isla cuddles.  These two melt my heart!
So lucky to have Grandma Sue with us!
Isla's birthday present from Scott and I:  a beach ball.
She loved her beach ball!
Our beautiful baby girl wondering what all the fuss is about.
Isla, getting in the mix.
Beautiful Kenza enjoying a water balloon.
She likes the dog toys.
Isla's pal Ellia, she turns one in a week!
Scott and his mom enjoying a couple adult beverages
Happy birthday sweet Isla, here's to many, many more! We love you!


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